Java-Bali Photo Tour Open for Sign-Up


For some time we've been telling you about an amazing photo tour opportunity that's coming up--and sharing images from the stunning locations & people we'll see on this journey. We're pleased to tell you that this trip is now open for registration.  

The dates & time are from noon Saturday, 14 Sept. through the morning of Saturday 21 Sept. 2013 starting & ending at Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.  The one-time introductory cost for this tour is $2,750/person.  

We're also offering an optional add-on extension tour to Borobudur & Jogjakarta from 21 Sept. through Wed. morning 25 Sept. 2013  One-time introductory price is $1,885/person.

To see details & register go to Matt Brandon's--my photo-mentor & partner's--site at  today.  

Sign-up here:

We expect this to sell out fast, so don't miss the boat for this photo tour to fascinating Java & Bali!