
One of the satisfactions about being a photographer traveling across Java is that you never know what great photogenic surprises you’re going to come across, but you know you will, & you'll occasionally be shouting to your driver, “Stop! Stop!  Stop! Pull over!”

This happened when we were careening across the rice paddies on the scenic route from Jogjakarta to East Java.  On that route you can't help but loving the unique beauty of the Trenggalek region.

Everyone goes to Borobudur—the largest ancient Buddhist shrine in the world—and to the hotels & shops immediately around it.  But within a couple kilometers of the shrine, if you head in the right directions, you’ll soon get into Javanese village settings almost untouched by outsiders. 

Stay tuned!  You could be photographing these same scenes when you sign up for a soon-to-be-announced workshop to be held next year.  We won't only be visiting Borobudur shrine; we will also focus on the Javanese villagers in her rice farming vicinity.